Sunday, 10 April 2011

wHo Pays tHe biLL?

This question used to have an easy answer, well the man pays the bill of course! He is the one with the money right? Well these days both men and women almost have completly equal opportunities to make money. There is no more "family-wage" given to men and not women. Times have changed. No longer is in "unladylike" to take a look at the dinner check. As a server I see plenty of women paying the tab and if not , they are dealing with the money. Men are stepping back and letting theirwomen take charge. Theres nothing wrong with that but as for me personally, I like a little tradition. I do not mind paying the bill once in a while but I wish wewould slow down on this whole equality thing. Chivarly is kinda nice :-/
I read this book once called "Face to Face" and I forgot the author! Anyway, it was about how to keep touch with our fellow humans the old fashioned way, FACE to FACE. The author had a long of good pointers on how to not loose touch in the generation of electronics. Facetime is still, and will always be important. One part of the book talked about dinners. The author mentioned something that seems obvious after you read but is worth being heard. She said that whoever makes the invite to dinner shall pay for the tab. Simple, if the women invites the man to dinner, she should pay. Since she is the one who wants to go and who initiated the dinner, it should be expected that she has the funds to pay for it. Makes sense right?

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