Tuesday, 5 April 2011

When She Loved Me

She left me in the pouring rain with the shards of her soaked, ruined mix-tapes pressed into my palms.
I drove back to my house in a state of confusion and endless tears; "It was just a high school relationship..." She'd say later.

She asked me who I'd take to prom. All this time I had wanted to dance with her and see her in that dress.
But she didn't want to; my friends didn't care for her much, therefore, she wouldn't go.

She told me she was glad she didn't have to talk to me again. I was her biggest mistake.

She got mad when I wouldn't add her back on Facebook after she defriended me and sent me home in tears once again.

She gets angry when I don't hang out with her, she asks if there's some kind of problem because she can't see any.

"It was just a high school relationship..."

Now I ignore her. She talks to me, but I simply answer. She wants to catch up, but there is nothing more to say.
My roommate tells me to be friends, but how can I?
How can I sit next to the girl I once loved, the girl who broke me into pieces and call her a "friend" again?
She'd ask me if I met any girls, and would get angry and question me when I told her I still wasn't over that terrible breakup a few months prior.

And now, I don't know if I should feel bad...

When it was good, we used to joke about over who loved who the most,
I did. I must have.

But when she loved me...

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