Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Pro Life VS Pro Choice, Jeffrey Inoa

FB status:Question of the Night / HW assignment: Please answer Honestly with out insulting... What is your take on Abortion? These are students comments on my status

Here is my honest complex answer! Abortion is wrong because its considered taking a life which makes it a sin. "GOD" does not want us to kill.

If raped, then what ??? If you believe God is the creator of all things, then you must believe he gave us the judgment to what we want with our bodies, I believe it is the woman's decision & if needed to abort then let her deal with the guilt.

If raped wouldnt Abortion still be taking a life? Are you saying 2 wrongs makes a woman's decision right? What are you saying exactly?

Not everyone is fit to be a parent, let alone have the means to carry to term a child. Rather than be a teen mother who ends up with a unhealthy pregnancy jeopardizing both mother and child's life or risking the abandonment of the newborn, abortion may just be the only answer. Yea as the person before me stated, it is wrong bc it should be in God's hand bit then again u never know what you would do unless you are put invthe situation

Choice of having an abortion is a good thing bcuz some ppl don't wanna use condoms bcuz of sensation they get, what if someone got raped, most chicks wanna have sex bcuz it's fun but they don't want babies bcuz their figure 'll get messed up, abortion keeps the population of the world from increasing on..crux of the matter this country, if it's ok for one to commit adultery then it should also be ok to have abortion...!

I'm not saying it is right. I'm simply stating that the situation is a lose/lose so ultimately you would want to decide the better decison according to the females perspective. No offense but us Males should have no final decision on,this topic, we wouldn't understand even if we thought we would

Again.... if the females decides the better decision which is abortion are you saying that her decision is right?

Obviously you not comprehending my brother, I clearly stated it is a lose/lose decision, the question isn't if it's right, the question is should it be the women's decison

Even if its not rape, what if the teenager only has two options, abortion or her parents kick her out. How will she take care of herself and the child?

You can't judge a person unless you walk in their shoes. I believe it's the choice of the woman. I don't believe it to be a life until after a certain time in the womb. It is a bundle of cells. Otherwise would you consider tanning and other things as taking a life? No. Let's be real ppl.

We kill off cells on a daily basis.

Unfortunately it is an unnecessary evil in the world 2day. For rape victims it is something that allows them rid themselves of the horror that occurred even tho the event does not completely escape the mind. As far as normal circumstances, there are a handful of options to avoid unwanted pregnancies...even if the condom broke there is a morning after pill which is significantly cheaper than an actual abortion from what I heard. In essence it all comes down to whether or not u n ur partner r being safe & responsible while partaking in sexual activity.

well in a sense, wouldn't the morning after pill be a self applied form of abortion? bc either way you are preventing the progress of a life


at this individual ^, Please answer Honestly with out insulting

would you care to contribute a serious response?

@ Felicia- yep ur rite it is a form of fact all contraceptives r forms of abortion, just @ different stages, but without the emotional attachment that comes with the actual procedure within the first two trimesters.

nice i never thought about it like that @ Michael


EVIL and leads to most women STD'S such as Pelvic inflammatory disease

@ Joel, I don't understand how an abortion can lead to an STD. Not trying to argue, just a little confused

I'm a Medical technology student... I study all those

o ok, thanks for explaining

yeap its like a postabortal Syndrome that causes severe cramping and discomfort (severe stomach itch or cramp) due to the collection of blood in the uterus that can occur following evacuation of the uterus.As a matter of fact, most guls r not able to conceive any more once they have this disease... I have a friend bck in NYC n she is xperiencing this same issue (had an abortion in HS) n cnt give birth anymore cause she got this joint...

damn didn't know it was that serious, but is that something due to a mistake in the procedure? (i know I'm getting a little off topic but last question)


thats y we all here.. teach each other n learn from each other.. feel free... But yea not necessary but it could be.... abortion is basically a blood process n contains organisms, when the organs r affected with bacterial. bacterials moves...

Yeeeerrrrrr Jeff whats good! RAW DAWG ALL DAY LOL

PRO CHOICE . "keep your laws off my body"---> some ppl have different circumstances, and if they cant keep the child, then its their choice to do whats necessary. ABORTION should be seen as a necessary.


Thanks to everybody, everyone made good points

am i late???? hope not. I think that abortion is ABSOLUTELY WRONG!! we (females) dont have the right to take life from someone whether it is growing in our body or not, we have an obligation to bring life into this world we give birth, oneof the many things a woman was built for and CREATED for...we were CREATED for that no one is taking that away from us. We dont CREATE life so who are we to take it away. We dont create conception is it a process that was CREATED that happens, and life comes from it. Abortion should never happen it should not be used as a last resort especially in the world that we live in that has too many resources a female can go to if she does not want her child. Abortion to ME, MY OPINION is cold blooded murder, that is taking someone's INNOCENT INNOCENT LIFE!! Life is the most prescious thing that anyone can have and to take away the opportunity to live on this Earth and experience the feeling of Life; the joys and happiness that come with it, is a tragedy. There is no excuse for abortion and its just 100% wrong.

stupidest comment that im mad i read but have to address...."We kill off cells on a daily basis...." OH GOODNESS.....cells have a mind of their much so that still today many scientist still dont even come close to understanding howcertain cells operate in the human body. when a cell descides to undergo APOPTOSIS that is the CELL saying to itself I am going to kill myself....WE DONT DO THAT...ALL WE DO IS GIVE THE CELL THE ATP, WHICH IS THE ENERGY THAT IT NEEDS TO DO WHAT IT HAS TO DO, FROM THE FOOD WE EAT. WE DONT KILL OFF THE CELLS, THE CELL DOES IT ITSELF. JUST LIKE CELLS FROM OUR HUMAN BODY CAN LIVE ON IN CULTURE EVEN IF WE DIE, THE CELL LIVES ON B/C OF THE NUTRIENTS PROVIDED IN CULTURE. SO YEA UMMM WHO ARE WE TO ROB SOMEBODY OF THE OPPORTUNITY TO ALLOW THEIR CELLS TO KILL THEMSELVES....ha....or just have any opportunity period. YEA YOUR LIFE CAN BE HARD AND MESSED UP....THATS STILL NO EXCUSE FOR KILLING SOMEBODY.....shit if it wasssss MURDERS would be happening RAMPANT every second of every hour of every day. so stop with the bullshit ass excuses and really UNDERSTAND what abortion is and what it is that you are doing.....get a clue.

YES !! IT IS 100% WRONG. NO MATTER HOW YOU TRY TO WORD IT..IT'S WRONG. and Pro- choice is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. . . It's your choice to grab a knife and murder somebody but that don't make it right. this is what abortion is.....ok this is what you are doing.

I respect everyones opinion.
However I do not thinly tht prochoice is dumb. To keep it simple;
I feel like evry child shud be a wanted child.
A woman should he able to control her own body.
And if abortion becomes outlawed, women wud resort to back alley abortion clinics, which will increase deaths, because she will also put her life in danger.

I'm not asking for yall to become prochoice, I'm just stating my side, since majority of you seem to he against prochoice.


this pretty much sums up everything I need to say

, I feel you...BUT just because a child is not wanted, or a pregnancy was unplanned does NOT mean it deserves to DIE. it just doesnt add up. You would be surprised at how many of your friends were a result of unplanned pregnancies yet they were not aborted and were given the chance to live life to their potential. Also, There are PLENTY of women who are sterile and WISH they could have a baby of their own and would want a child that no one else wants.

If a woman KNOWS she does not want a child, she needs to take the necessary precautions to prevent the pregnancy from happening. People seem to think that they can just do things and not face the consequences.

In terms of rape: like somebody up there said; 2 wrongs don't make a right...Murdering the child will NOT undo the rape or the trauma...The baby is a victim as well as the rape victim.

"If a woman KNOWS she does not want a child, she needs to take the necessary precautions to prevent the pregnancy from happening. People seem to think that they can just do things and not face the consequences."---- I100% agree with this statement. If this was EXECUTED by everyone, this discussion wouldn't even exist! RESPONSIBILITY FOR ACTIONS is the key!!!

if a female died in the back alley trying to give birth or get rid of her birth.....and quote, unquote increase death rates....LMFAO...ummm let her DUMBASS do it....stupid idiot can have a baby in a hospital and leave if she wanted....#1 its called HIPPA no one will know you had a baby and #2 take ya freakin two legs and walk out....she's the dumb person that thinks that having a baby in a back alley is the only choice...and abortons increase death rates...not a dumb fucker who dies in the back of an alley....LMFAO!! just like people think that abortion is the only choice, JUST LIKE PEOPLE THINK THAT ABORTION IS THE ONLY PERCAUTION TO TAKE TO KEEP FROM HAVING A BABY....NEED A LOT MORE EDUCATION...SELF EDUCATION THAT IS. WHAT HAPPENED TO BIRTH CONTROL, USING A CONDOM, OR NOT HAVING SEX AT. UNTIL YOU CAN ESTABLISH AN INDEPENDENT LIFE FOR YOURSELF AND CHILD AND TAKE THE RESPONSIBILITES FOR YOUR ACTIONS AND CONSEQUENCES THAT COME ALONG WITH, THEN DO YOUR THING....GET PREGO ALL YOU WANT....DONT TAKE LIFE FROM SOMEONE BECAUSE OF YOUR FUCK UP, GIVE THE BABY UP!!....PPL SO DAMN SELFISH AND INCONSIDERATE AND DONT THINK THEIR ACTIONS HAVE A CONSEQUENCE SO WHEN UR ASS GOT THAT ABORTION AND THAT DOCTOR FUCK UP UR INSIDES AND YOU DONT EVEN KNOW...10 YEARS LATER WHEN U TRYING TO HAVE A CHILD AND CANT PICTURE SOMEONE LIKE ME IN YA FACE SAYING GOOD FOR UR ASS, YOU SHOULDNT BE GIVEN THE PRIVALEGE/WORTH OF GIVING BIRTH AFTER YOU KILLED A CHILD IN THE PAST!

and yea yea yea its the woman's body she has a choice she can do what she wants....NO NO i have two hands...that i can kill someone with if i chose too, despite the consequences i CAN still do it, but i chose not to. I can do whatever i want with my body cuz i control it...that doesnt mean that its the RIGHT thing to do....cant do around killin pple just cuz....and if abortions are sssooooo RIGHTTT and necessary why did the doctors put a cap on 7 abortions...lookin to get an 8th...take ya ass to the back alley....lmao....

cap on 7 cuz ur too much of a LIABILITY....ya insides are all mashed n messed really think that they gonna catch a case of malpractice and give a payout over your ass off the 8th.......yea ok -__- lol, hell the first one was probably already bad enough! LIKEEEE I SAID find out what abortion REALLY DOES, self education is the KEY to LIFE PPL!!

you've stated great points, and I'm sure there wud be other ppl tht could disagree and have valid points as well including myself. I remember sitting down with females.who gave a testimony on why they couldn't hAve their baby, seeing the emotions and their reasonings, was truly touching. Until we have experienced something devastating or lifechanging, (which an abortion can be) , we can never fully understand, or speak for others who have decided to have abortions.
However, I dnt want anyone reading these comments to feel less of a person, or offended by anything. So im not gonna go.further with my comments.

One of the key things tht ppl shud Kno, is RESPONSIBILITY and like u said Self Education( which is key). ;)

i cry cuz i fail a test, im upset cuz a boy hurt me, im mad cuz my car wont stop, things are not going as planned.....BOO-HOO so what suck it up and fix it or deal with it....EVERYBODY HAS PROBLEMS EVERYBODY IS EMOTIONAL EVERYBODY HAS PROBLEMS....stop with the damn #EXCUSES....handle what is dealt to you, especially if you caused it, stop killing innocent babies that dont deserve to be killed because of YOU...and if u disagree with my points lets go tit for tat im ready....think about the BIG picture what are you really doing....getting rid of your problems.....I GUARANTEE you will have more and worse problem as your life goes on...YOU ARE KILLING AN INNOCENT CHILD THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE DOING. I have no sympathy or wanna hear the boo-whoo stories about girls who try and justify why they did it....i have no time for people who commit murder especially when it does not have to happen. Im a realist i dont respect everybody's decision/opinion and i dont and am not going to be sensitive to it either....state facts...not feelings....An unborn child DOES NOT HAVE TO BE KILLED, THATS A #FACT

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