Sunday, 3 April 2011

Other People and Us.

This happened a bunch of days ago but I never got around to writing about it. I was with a couple of friends playing basketball just having fun and everything until a bunch of guys while driving down the road rolled down their windows and start yelling things at us. At first I didn't think much of it, it was just a bunch of guys being stupid and I didn't really care. But then at that point they parked their car and continued to yell and honk the horn. My friends were extremely aggravated and I was too, but I was calm. My friend really wanted to go there and fight with them. But I told him to shut the fuck up and play. One guy even got out of the car and stood outside the fence and said some dumb stuff that I didn't remember. Was I angry? Extremely. Did I want to fight? Maybe. But I told everyone just to ignore them and eventually they went away because we weren't giving them attention.
One of my friends were actually angry with me because I didn't told him to just ignore them. Was this cowardice? Was this me knowing we'd probably lose the fight? I don't know myself. I just knew at that time the best possible outcome is just to ignore them. I mean why do you need to engage in a fight when that nothing good is going to come out of it. Honestly I wanted to fight as well. They were being disrespectful and it's not like we're in middle school anymore. But I put up with it. Because I was smart? or because I wasn't sure we could've won a fight. I'm not sure at all , but I'm glad that we didn't fight.

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