Saturday, 9 April 2011

Dreams Beyond the grave

I have really tried to stare at my hands as a trigger and force myself to remember my dreams but I never remember them when I wake up. I am starting to think that either I dont dream or I am so tired that I am sound asleep. Either way, I got nothing LOL.

I can share a weird dream experience my Mother and Aunt have had though...
About 1 week after my great grandmother died, my mother had a dream that the phone was ringing, in her dream she looks at the clock and it's 3:05am, she runs downstairs and answers the phone and its her grandmother who says to her "You didn't get my horseshoe of roses". The next night she has the dream again only this time it's at 4:30am when she looks at the clock in her dream.

The next day she is speaking to her mother (my grandmother) on the phone and tells her about this dream she had the past two nights and how it seemed so real and yet so weird but had no idea what it meant. It was then that my grandmother told her that her sister (my aunt) had the exact same dream only in my aunts dream the clock read 3:06 and 4:31 respectively. The dreams continued for the next two nights.

Still they had no idea what it meant or why. Until they told my uncle, he said that he remembered as a young boy, my great grandmother took him to the horse races and as they crowned the winner with a horseshoe of roses she told him that when she died she wanted a horseshoe of roses placed on her grave. He had actually thought about it briefly when she passed away but dismissed it. He was young at the time and he felt he didn't want to decorate her grave like a horse, so he dismissed it and never mentioned it to anyone.

Needless to say, the next day my great grandmother had a HUGE horseshoe of roses on her grave and neither has dreamed of my great grandmother since that time.

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