Saturday 21 May 2011

my unfinished script 3

As the punch kicks in, Jillian begins to self destruct inside from her confused feelings for Nelly. She is now stumbling around the room mumbling different little saying that no one can seem to understand. Little did an unexpected bystander know that his night would soon turn into the way that Jillian felt.

(Grabbing Jillian and sitting her down)
Jillian, calm down!
Nelly just called me and said he is on his way.

(In an angry uproar)
Man forget Nelly, he isn’t anything to me anyway.

Wow. You always are complaining about something.
And you always got your mouth open, just like your mother.

He doesn’t care about me.
That’s why he not here with me.

my unfinished script 2

(In a sarcastic tone but really meaning what she says)
Look at you Jillian, swallowing just like your mother used to back on the strip

Whatever Buddha, nobody is even paying attention to you anyway.
Where is Nelly by the way… he said he was going to be here?

Don’t worry girl, he’s coming to see you.
Just relax and take notes… ha-ha

(Circling the room)
Oh my he is taking a long time… you would think the way I’m looking he would come running .


castle M

my unfinished script

From the first time Jillian set her eyes upon Nelly, she was smitten. Even as she got to know his true character, Jillian still seemed to be taken back by this young man. Everyone questions her liking of Nelly, but even Jillian is lost as to why she has feelings for him. One night before a party, her feelings for Nelly would reach a new level. [The following events take place in the Stimpleton Building on campus]

(Shaking his head)
No more punch Jillian!!!
I think you’ve had enough!!!

(Stumbling around and slurring words)
You know what Drake, I’ll let you know when I’ve had enough and right now, I have not had enough punch so get off my back!!!

I share

I share my thoughts with strangers because they can not judge me...
they can not hurt me.
they are powerless even with my worst confessions
I let my mind wonder and my fingers run across the keyboard
I offend, lie, scream, curse the world i'm in and they can do nothing about it
thank god for the sites like this and post secrets
without them i would literally DIE
thank you for listening to my rants and raves on the internet

To... you

i had a dream about toy last night i found you in the theater with a camera (as usual). you were beautiful but you got a little taller with more muscles. you smiled at me just the same as chem back in junior year. i loved that about you. you always smiled at me. we shot the breeze for a while then we began to talk about why we didn't work out. i then realized that my mind was trying to tell me something..... i broke your heart and didn't realize it because i thought you didn't want me. in reality we were as in love and any other highschoolers at the time but i wsn't your girlfriend. i remember the day so clearly "can we talk after school" is what my plain black and white text read you answered with the usual "sure" we met after school on the gren grass and i spoke the last words of mine you would ever hear in that year of 2009. "what are we? friends? more than friends? are you my boyfriend and i your girlfriend? tell me now" you stared into my eyes on the verge of tears and said "I DON'T KNOW" that wasn't what i wanted to hear from you... the boy who had shared my chem bench all year previously. the boy i would have gladly dated had he said yes. they boy i still dream about even though i belong to another man now. you know how they saw you never forget your first love? though i love my boyfriend dearly i can not shake myself of the love we had all junior year at MHS. this is to you that dear boy from chem junior year. i wish we were still friends and i still got to see that wonderful smile

Friday 20 May 2011




pt 3

In the film technology is the back bone to everything. In this school filled with geniuses everybody’s looking for new ways to use technology and the best uses for it. The goal for better technology can also change people and the way they treat others. This movie seemed to portray the good and bad of using technology in sort of a domino effect. For example the CIA’s pursuit for a more powerful laser is due to technology. Professor Hathaway’s drive for technology is what makes treat the students bad and make them do all his work. Mitch’s use of technology is got him recruited in to school at such a young age, 15. This shows both sides of how technology can get the best of us. The technology used in the film are types technologies that we use today on an everyday bases. Like the science lab that they were using to build the laser. Or some of the science projects in the beginning of the film.

top 5 favorite movie ...Real genius pt 2

All of Chris’s efforts focused back on the laser project. But everything seemed to be ruined due to Kent sabotaging the project. Chris then has an epiphany and figures out to solve the problem. The beam turns out to be hotter than the sun and meets all requirements. Professor Hathaway is impressed by all the work Chris put into the project forgives him for his past mishaps. When they complete the laser the students realize that the laser is actually a high energized weapon. So they make the decision that the laser has to be destroyed. But they realized that Professor Hathaway has already taken the laser. They follow Hathaway to an Air Force base where the laser was strapped to a bomb. With the help of former student Lazlo the students were able to rearrange the coordinates of the bomb to Hathaway’s house where they set up Kent’s braces with a reflector which destroys the bomb.

Top 5 favorite movie ...Real genius

The film “Real Genius” is about a young high school science genius, Mitch, who gets recruited to attend an elite university, with other geniuses to work on a CIA laser project. While there Mitch meets one of the senior students Chris who is also working on the laser project but has too much fun partying and goofing around instead of focusing on school. Mitch is constantly being pranked on by other students at school the most part because they are jealous of him.Chris’s foolish antics eventually get Mitch into deep trouble. When their teacher, Professor Hathaway, catches Mitch at one of Chris’s pool parties he becomes furious. After Mitch was caught he called his mother in tears complaining about how he didn’t want to be there anymore. But Mitch didn’t know that his whole conversation was being recorded by Kent, Professor Hathaway’s grad assistant. Kent played the recorded conversation the next day on the school’s PA system. In retaliation Mitch and Chris take apart Kent’s car and put it back to together in the middle of his room. Professor Hathaway finds out and threatens to flunk Chris out of school if he doesn’t get his act up.

Some of my thoughts on this

I feel like America has already fallen into the narcissistic mindset. You can see it every day in our society people are always thinking for themselves instead of others. Every time someone becomes famous or rich their egos start to get bigger and they feel better than everybody else. But it’s something hard to avoid because narcissism is so widespread. If this country isn’t narcissistic than the majority of us Americans have a strong case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Narcissist right under our nose

The Enron executives were had very strong narcissistic traits. In the Enron documentary it showed how the workers writing fake loans to people knowing that they couldn’t pay it off. They were working with the banks and other companies also. But in the public eye they made it out to seem as if they were the number one company bringing in the most money in the country. The founder Jeffery Skilling was very arrogant and thought that he was too smart to be caught. They were actually billions of dollars in debt with the country as they were committing fraud and corruption. Enron created a culture favored competition. They had a win at all cost mentality which made it all seem alright. But it is not surprise that the executives turned out to be narcissistic because they had so much power for so long.

For those that don't know....

For those that don't know.... Narcissism is when an individual is egotistical and thinks of themselves above all others. It is an epidemic that is taking over the American population. These individuals are also preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love. The self-esteem by our people is at an all-time, for example college students have scored 80% higher than in the 1960’s. It is encouraged to always believe in yourself and never give up on anything you do but sometimes it can turn for the worst. Narcissism isn’t necessarily a bad thing but most dictators or other forms of leadership show signs of this. Compared to Narcissism having a Narcissistic Personality Disorder is very similar. It is described as an isolating, disenfranchising, painful, and formidable for those living with it and often those who are in a relationship with them.

America land of the ........Narcissist?!

I feel that America is being affected by Narcissism because of the ongoing trends going on within our society. Children and teenagers have higher self-esteems and are showing different traits than in years before also. I looked up research done on college campuses and found that students, having so much self-admiration have taken a change for the worst. In 2006 students answered a series of questions that were given to students in 19-79-86. Over the two decades 30% of these students have answered the questions in a narcissistic direction. The rise of the narcissism epidemic has also effect other epidemics also. People no longer want to work to achieve goals but just have everything given to them. Everyone just wants to go straight to the top of being rich and famous. An example of this is Paris Hilton because she encourages a rich and famous lifestyle. She has never worked a specific job a day in her life and she just lives off her father’s money. Linsey Lohan is also an example of this and is known for using drugs in the public. They affect millions of teenagers across the country.

artwork barnyard


Thursday 19 May 2011


Twitter Insurance

Thankfully, where there’s risk, there’s insurance. And it could be coming soon to

Twitter. The specifics on how and why this insurance would pay out are unclear. But

with Twitter making very public examples of high-profile users like Courtney Love,

Kenneth Cole and Gilbert Gottfried in the past few months alone, those monthly

premiums probably can’t arrive soon enough.

Even though social media brings tremendous benefits, those cause a lot of risks to

person or company. No matter how fast they will delete their tweeting, somebody

always sees it. And the more people they connect with, the further the message

spreads and the worse the end result. So it will be good suggestions to provide

insurance to protect them.

Apple iPad dominate Tablets industry

Apple's iPad device will continue to dominate the market for tablet computers,

controlling more than three-fifths of the market next year, predicts research firm

Gartner. The only other tablet operating system forecast by Gartner to come close is

Google's Android.

Currently, as iphone would be the first one among the other smart phones, Apple’s

tablet would dominate the tablet’s market in a short time. I think consumers tend to

believe the Apple’s product without doubt. They have high confidence of Apple’s

product, so do I.

Why Twitter Is Better?

Twitter is better for journalists than Facebook.

Last week, Facebook launched the "Journalists on Facebook" page to entice

journalists to "reach their audience directly" and access more than 500 million

users. Despite the more than 35,000 people who have "liked" the page, Twitter is

still the superior vehicle for newsgathering and article promotion -- and it will

always be, if the core of both networks remains the same.

Facebook introduced the special page for journalists to compete with Twitter.

However, I believe that Twitter is a better tool for journalists because it’s easier

to share their posting by retwitting.

Amazon Says E-Books Now Outsell Paper Books now sells more e-books than paper books and its recently introduced lower-

priced Kindle e-reader is outselling other versions of the device, the company

announced. Amazon said it has sold 105 e-books for every 100 print books sold since

April 1.

It shows that people prefer using the e-books, and the device such as kindle and

nook has been sold alot in book industry. E-book system is very convinient to

readers, but some people still prefer to have traditional paper book. I also prefer

having a book, and buy the original version of paper book in book store.

Book industry has been changed so much with the development of technology.

Last day in stony

My graduation is coming soon.

My last day in stonybook is coming soon too.

I will stay in newyork during this summer, and my mother and my brother will visit new york next week.

After thatm i will go back to my country, Korea.

For 2 years in stonybrook, I had both great and bad time.

Great thing is that I met my best friends in story, and I learned a lot of things.

I will miss the school life in Stony.

language habit

Using the text language can result in growing ignorance of proper grammar and punctuation.

People usually omit the part of speech in the text message. They think that their friend can

understand whether they do not write the whole correct sentence. For example, my friend sent

a text like, ‘Home?’ Without any subject and verb in the message, I could comprehend what he

was supposed to write, ‘Are you at home?’ or ‘Did you get back to your home?’ Even though

there is one word ‘home’, the sentence can contain many meanings due to the question mark

according to the different situations. People get into bad language habits as they get accustomed

not to follow standard grammar in text messaging.

text language

The lazy spelling forms is damaging to the linguistic development to teenagers. Young
generations spending a lot of time texting with their friends tend to use the text language unconsciously in their formal paper. They are used to abbreviate the words in writing because they are able to take a note faster than using the whole words. For example, they use single letters which can replace the word in a sentence such as ‘be’ becomes ‘b’, ‘are’ becomes ‘r’, ‘you’ becomes ‘u’, and ‘why’ becomes ‘y’.

In addition, they use single digits which can replace the word such as ‘to’ becomes ‘2’, ‘for’ becomes ‘4’, and ‘ate’ becomes ‘8’. Thus, they send a text like “where r u?” instead of ‘Where are you?’, and “r u gonna b there?” instead of “Are you going to be there?” Using single letters and digits is not hard to read in text messaging due to the same pronunciation. However, as the young generations do not recognize the full letters of words, the text messaging is leading to the poor spelling. Getting used to using text message leads to grammartical problem on their language.


Backward. Texture of time.

Impact Of Paywall On

To understand the initial impact, we compared the total visits to for a

12-day period before the launch of the paywall to the 12 days following the launch. For the

majority of the days, there was a decrease in the overall visits of between 5 percent and 15

percent. The one exception was Saturday, April 9, where there was a 7 percent increase, likely

due to visitors seeking news around the potential government shutdown and ongoing budget


People are not willing to pay news online. They are used to read online news for free, so news

companies should change their paypall service.

Using abbreviations

Using abbreviations can be an obstacle to understanding a sentence. It is faster to write it, yet it can take more time to read than normal English. This is because people can interpret it differently. For example, ‘lol’ has many meanings; it means ‘laughing out loud’, ‘lots of love’, or ‘little old lady’ depending on the context in which it is used. If people do not care about the context while texting, they can misunderstand the text message. Also, some people get panic when they receive a text message with a full of abbreviations. It seems to be written in foreign language. Some abbreviations are even difficult to guess the original meaning such as ‘nvm’ instead of ‘never mind’, ‘idk’ instead of ‘I don’t know’, and ‘btw’ instead of ‘by the way.’ If people asked the meaning of abbreviation to a friend who sent it, they could feel shame as they feel like they are behind the times. Therefore, using abbreviations brings about more difficulties to understanding the meaning of sentence.

Reason why Koreans have to learn English 2

College students need to have English skills to compete in a tight job market in Korea. With the rise of recession, getting a job in large or small corporations in Korea is more difficult than before. To apply for the job in any company, submitting the result of internationally authorized English tests, such as the Test of English for International Communication, is a requirement. Without the record, people do not pass though the first screening for the interview in any company. In addition, many Korean college students go study abroad or apply for an exchange student to country where English is a mother language such as Australia, America, and Canada. They believe that oversea experience can be a good advantage to get a better job in Korea. Employers also can be promoted faster in the company if they are fluent in English. Therefore, people keep trying to improve their English skills as a way of their better and easier life in a tough world.

reason why Koreans have to learn English 1

There are a lot of tests to evaluate the ability in English in Korea. People should get high scores on those tests to survive in the competitive Korean society. For example, Korean high school students should take the exam before entering the college. Since Koreans believe that getting into a good college is the first step for their good future, students spend a lot of times studying for the exam throughout the whole high school life. English test accounts for a big part in this college entrance exam. For getting a good score on the English exam, students started to improve their English skills since they were in the elementary school. In addition, there are a lot of English institutes because people think that learning English only at the school is not enough. There are also foreign high schools which are focusing more on English education rather than other general public school. Having good English skills would be highly competitive among other students; it would be easier to get into the good college and the high school. In Korea, students are facing those tough English exams in their school lives. That’s why parents want to send their children to English kindergarten or Institution as they believe younger children can better learn the words and structure of foreign language. Parents already know the importance of having English skills in the competitive Korean society. It would be much easier way to survive in Korea. However, it is not the end of learning English after entering the college.

Real freinds?

Facebook friend is hard to define as a real friend. Real friendship should be co-operative and

supportive behavior between two or more people by involving mutual knowledge, esteem, and

affection. They will also engage in mutually helping behavior such as exchanging or advice and

the sharing of hardship. However, people on Facebook just send a simple question each other.

Even though someone has more a thousand friends on Facebook friends’ list, they do not keep in

touch with over thousand friends. They can just know how they live well via update status on

Facebook. This is just a superficial relationship.

Friends on Facebook

As the Internet made it possible to reach people around the world, being connected to people worldwide has become more easy-accessible than before via the social networking sites. As Facebook becomes popular across the world, people ask “Do you have Facebook?” to be close each other. People add as a friend on Facebook, and they can be closer through the Facebook. It can help enhancing friendship on Facebook.
However, significant number of Facebook users believes that it has more negative effects than the benefits. Based on the studies from Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland, researchers found out that there is a great amount of peer pressure on Facebook. For example, the more friends people have on Facebook the more likely they get stressed out. They are anxious about the fear of missing important social information or offending contacts.

Facebook as a Marketing Tool

Facebook currently has around 200 million active users, and 100 million users log in on each day. Due to the massive exposure to million users, Facebook can be an effective marketing tool. Facebook marketing is cost-efficient as marketers only have to set up their own product or company’s page on Facebook. In addition, Facebook provides various marketing tools such as profile, messages, friends, applications, news feeds, groups, market place, networks, events, pages, socials ads, beacon, polls, Facebook platform ad networks, Facebook applications, and sponsored groups. With those marketing tools, Facebook is a phenomenal way to become more visible and successful for marketing. Because of cost-efficient marketing, Facebook continues to be the number one marketing tool for small business, according to the MerchantCircle survey. It proves that 70 percent of small business use Facebook to promote their business.

Security Policy

In order to protect personal privacy on Facebook, users should be careful when they post or comment on someone’s status positing. Also, their personal information can be controlled by its account settings. Facebook has been updated its privacy policy because its privacy issues are growing concerns in social media. Currently, Facebook users can control their information by new privacy policy settings. If Facebook users do not want to expose their information to the public, they can set to “Friends Only” option which is available to keep their photos and posting hidden from certain people. In addition, users can define friends’ list categorized by co-workers, best friends, and employees. Then, they can set each of group settings to be visible or not by the account settings. Users also can set what people see when other people search their profile on Facebook. One of Facebook’s greatest security features are the ability to approve each computer or mobile device that logs into other’s account. People get notification through e-mail or text message when someone tries to log in from a computer that doesn’t approve.

Violation of Privacy via Facebook

Most Facebook users post their personal information about themselves, but they do not recognize the potential consequences of their actions. There is a lot of possibility that their privacy can be violated on Facebook because all the pages including name, profile picture, gender, current city, new works, relationship, and friends list are available to share on Facebook.

Facebook users should notice that their information can be exposed to anybody on the web, and their posting and comments are shared with their Facebook friends. For example, even if they do not know their friends’ boyfriends offline, they can look up his activities and profile through the Facebook. In addition, mutual friends system makes people available to look up their posting beween them. Because of easy-accessible personal information and open communication on Facebook, the majority of Facebook users are concerned about using Facebook. They feel that that their entire life seems like an open book to the public via Facebook.

Growth of social media

Social media become one of the biggest industries of our time. As people can easily access the social networking sites due to the high speed Internet, the number of users such as Facebook and Twitter has been increasing every year. In addition, the advent of smartphone leads to gain popularity of the social networking sites. According to the study from Comscore, 30.8 percent of smartphone users accessed the social networking sites via mobile browser. They spend more hours a week on social networking through mobile devices than e-mail, and they spend even more time accessing social media on their smarphones than from their PCs. This study shows that the growth of social media is related to the increase number of smartphone users. As people use the social networking sites via smartphones, social networking becomes as a form of communication in the mobile culture.

It's Over!

This is my 50th and final blog! This is also the last day of my junior year of college. Time moves so fast that in the blink of any eye I will be graduating. Just on a slight thought, this had to be my best year of college. No not because of my GPA, because it dropped, but because of the lessons I've learned and the moves I've made.

I learned this year to mange my class load more wisely and that my false sense of "Not taking classes during vacation" was completely wrong! I know not to take too many classes at once, especially at Stony Brook. I was also lucky enough to take a winter class at Stony Brook's Manhattan Campus, and secure 2 internship positions through the job fair.

I'm wishing for a better year for senior year, but at this point I can't complain!

Final Views on Pink Collar Work/American Decameron

Pink Collar work is fine, but only if it is short term. If you find yourself working hard to make pennys at the end of the day, you need to call up one of those Everest ads you always see on TV. These jobs are cool for us college kids who don't have mommy and daddy footing our bills, but there should come a time when we progress in life and gain a higher paying job.

I think American Decameron was a great show, despite the Kinect issues. It showcased the problems modern day college students face. Whether it was me trying to secure a second job, Ray loosing his job, or just the everyday humor customers bring in the store like we heard in Prince's story.

With all of that said; I will still be working my pink collar job for maybe another year...

Cougar Story...What Really Happened

This is what really happened, just in case you need some more ideas on how to spice up the story.

It’s a typical night at work, nothing exciting. Randomly, a lady walks up to ask me a question about a product.

Lady: Hey, do you work here?

Me: Yes, can I help you?

Lady: Yeah, I need a memory card to save pictures from my phone.

Me: Ok, those are right this way. How many gigs do you need?

Lady: Gigs? I don’t know!

Me: (laughs a little) Ok, here take 2 gigs it’s the smallest one we have.

Lady: Ok, thanks a lot!

After that she pays for the memory card and leaves. I continue to move along with my work. Since it’s Saturday night and the new sale starts on Sunday, I’ve got to take down all the old signs to prepare for tomorrow’s sale. About 15 minutes later I’m in the aisle with the memory cards, she comes back and I recognize her.

Me: Was everything Ok with the memory card?

Lady: Yes, but I have no clue how to use it and my kids won’t help me. See I’m trying to put some photos I took on my phone onto this memory card, so I can upload them to eHarmony. I’m recently divorced and looking for someone new.

Me: Ok well I can show you how to do it.

Here’s where it gets weird…She hands me her cell phone and tries to get me to look through the pictures on her phone. I decline to look through the pictures and ask her to find the one that she wants to use.

Lady: What do you think about this one? (shows me a picture of herself)

Me: (awkwardly) Yeah, that one’s nice.

Lady: Ok (cracks some joke)

We both laugh

Lady: See I’m a nice lady, you would date me wouldn’t you?

I continue to laugh, but never saying yes.

Cougar Story...You Can Still Use It If You Want

This is the script I was working on for American Decameron. This was the Sexy Cougar Story, If you want to finish it up and use it for upcoming shows you can, its cool with me!

It’s Saturday night and yet again I’m at work. I should be out partying, but I gotta work right? I gotta pay tuition somehow, I gotta keep gas in my tank. Ya know?

So I’m taking the signs down, setting up for tomorrow’s sale and a beautiful woman walks up to ask for my help. I mean, pretty face, bangin body but let’s say she’s a lot older than me. She was wearing this tight pink dress, and no matter what; old or young a woman in pink is so sexy to me. She wants to know where the microSD cards for cell phones are because she needs to put some pictures from her phone onto her computer, so I direct her to that aisle in the store. I ask her how many gigs she wanted but she had no clue what a “gig” was so I figured I had the chance to look less like a geek in my uniform and cheesy nametag and explain what a gig was.

So after that quick conversation about memory, she takes the card she needed, paid, then left the store. At this point I kicking myself for not getting her number or something, but on the other hand I’m like “nah, she’s old enough to be my mom” so I was torn.

I continue to work with this woman lingering on my mind, but about 15 minutes later the sexy cougar comes back into the store! I obviously remember her so as soon as I catch her eye, I ask her if there was something wrong with the card I sold her. She tells me that she has no clue how to save the pictures from her phone to the memory card, and her kids won’t help her. Now, when she said “kids” the thought ran across my mind that I might know them, but it was only a split second thought.

So seeing that she needed help, I more than offer to help her out. She starts to tell me the reason why she needs to put these pictures on her computer; She’s recently divorced and looking for love, so she’s setting up an account on eHarmony and she has to put up a profile pic.

My way

The class is over. I did it my way. Thank you.


And now the end is here. So and I face the final curtain.

School is over. I would have no more classes anymore. This feels weird.

I've been a student for 25 years. Now I finally get out to the real world.

Am I ready? I don't know yet.

A drinking song

Wine comes in at the mouth
And love comes in at the eye;
That's all we know for truth
Before we grow old and die.
I lift the glass to my mouth,
I look at you, and I sigh.

this is my favorite poem

Long island ducks

I recently went to Long Island Ducks' game.
It was interesting to see how independent baseball team works.


We need some European-based international magazines.
Monocle is a Britain-based magazine. This covers international affairs and design.
This features things American magazines don't

Dog day afternoon

Dog Day Afternoon

I watched this movie last week. This movie describes human feelings very well.
Although they are held by a bank robber, they bond each other and work as a team.

And It is interesting to see how many people are rooting for bank robbers.

Dog day afternoon

Dog Day Afternoon

I watched this movie last week. This movie describes human feelings very well.
Although they are held by a bank robber, they bond each other and work as a team.

And It is interesting to see how many people are rooting for bank robbers.


Thank God for the rain to wash the trash off the sidewalk.


That's it? The economy stinks now. Time to be a farmer again.

I was a teenage zombie

On the campus, there was a game called Humans vs Zombies.

In this game, the students participated. The zombies had to take over the humans.

These people interrupted the campus life. They screamed and ran everywhere, and disregarded everyone who was not playing.

I did not think people in college would care about a game like this. But I heard hundreds of people played the game. I also heard the school donated money to fund this game.

It would be interesting to see if these people are embarrassed about it when they look back on their college life.

Their children will ask them, "Daddy what do you did you do in college?"

And they will respond, "I was a zombie."

Hit the Target

Recently, for my business class, I had to make a 60 page report for the company Target.

I saw this image so much lately.

I don't think I can shop in the store anymore.

Shin Ramen

A lot of people see this in 711 and they don't think about it.

But it's the best food to survive when you don't want to cook or if you're too busy.

I survived from it for a week!



Origin: Lower East Side

Favorite Bars: Kenmare, Jane Ballroom, Lit

Traits: vanity, wears black, “on the list”, addicted to glamour, being hungover

Accessories: high-profile jobs (or friends), Alexander Wang, champagne, Purple Fashion Magazine, coke

Bands: The Smiths, Mark Ronson, LCD Soundsystem

Icons: Chloe Sevigny, Cole Mohr


Loot at these fucking hipsters.

I got a room in Williamsburg for summer. When I went there to get a room, I saw so many hipsters. I like counter culture but this is too much. I feel like they are just wasting their time complaining too much.

Linked in IPO

LinkedIn is adults' Facebook.

The IPO of LinkedIn done today shows how much the company is valuable.

This success of LinkedIn tells us about the trend.

Now it's more important to get specified target users than many ordinary users.

Starting salaries for new grads

Even though the economy is getting better, salaries for new grads remain the same.

It's hard for them to make a living with 30k.

Gadgets tell you who you are

Since there are so many different electronic gadgets out there. Different gadgets tell us the personality of the person.

iPhone users are fashion-savvy and care about how they look a lot. They are a loyal fan of Apple.

Blackberry users are interested in getting things done with their phone.

Droid users do many things on their phone. They like to use various functions.

What type of a smartphone are you using? Does the phone tell you who you are?

Free Mixtapes is the best way to get free mixtapes online. I personally use datpiff to get all of my free music and you can download 5 free mixtapes a day. This is good for the artists because they can gain much needed exposure, and good for the listeners because we love getting free music. Also, there is a datpiff mobile app that allows listeners to access mixtapes wherever they go. Lets just say I have the datpiff app on my iPhone!


We watch movies because they are unrealistic. We want to escape reality and not think for a while.

However this my problem when watching Indian movies. Although they are entertaining and fun, it is weird that suddenly the people start singing. Suddenly the scene changes from a quiet house, and they are in the mountains or the fields dancing. It is entertaining but it seems to unrealistic.

Wanting It Too Badly


We try go faster and faster. We don't look back at what we did before. This mentality causes so many problems. Environmental problems, poverty problems, and family problems. We need to slow down and live a low life like farmers.

Countryman Vibration.

Capital List

In America, it seems that everyone wants to be Capital List. Everyone is selfish. They want to be first.

It seems like everyone wants to get a good job and education so they can be Capital List. Everyone wants to make money just to support their own lifestyle. They do not think about other people.

I am studying business. I wonder if I will be Capital List soon.


Even though Internet usage is increasing dramatically, TV usage remains the same. Internet became the most dominant medium of media. The Internet is affecting everything. It would be interesting to see how the Internet will change in 10 years.


I was writing a paper the other day.

I did not know whether to use the word "thus" or "therefore".

This is my problem with English. There are so many ways to say the same thing, but if you choose the wrong one you sound old, or like you are trying to be too smart.

Since I don't know English perfectly yet, I cannot make this decision easily.

Thus, I don't know which word should I choose.


I was talking to a friend the other day and she told me something weird.

She said she hates feet.

How can you hate feet? It's something everyone has, everyone sees them all the time.

She doesn't want to see people's feet or be touched by a foot. It makes her uncomfortable.

Is this a common thing?

Korean Wave

I get so many friend requests from South Asian people on Facebook. They add me just because I'm Korean. Korean culture is getting really popular in South Asia. And this is reflecting trend. It would be interesting to see how Korean culture can be more popular in ten years.

Paper Tigers

Here is a good article about Asian Americans. It makes some interesting points.

Three Layers

There's a lot of things I miss about my country, Korea.

I miss my people. I miss my family and friends. I miss being able to speak the language easily.

But sometimes I really miss the food.

My favorite food is something that a lot of people think smells really bad. This is the food I want to eat as my last meal. It's called "doenjang jjigae" -- bean paste soup.

It has a lot of vegetables and it tastes really good, even though it smells bad.

Something I also miss is barbecue. This porkbelly, "samgyeopsal." The name actually means three layers of fat. It's like bacon. In Korean restaurants you can cook it yourself, which is also fun.

Don't you want to eat some too?

Different view of Bin Laden's death


When Bin Laden's death was announced, The U.S was having a feast.
However, on the other side of the earth, people had different opinions.

I called my father in Korea to ask his opinion. He said,

"The country goes where ever they want to and kills whoever they want."

This seems ridiculous to Americans but this is how most Asians feel.

It is interesting to see how people have different opinions on the same issues.

Man Arrested at Penn Station

Blackberry Picking

This is Obama using Blackberry. Even though I'm a slave of Apple, I really like the design of Blackberry. It looks different from any other smartphone. Other smartphones look like a brick. Also, Blackberry is something that looks serious. IPhone looks like a video game console, but Blackberry looks respectable. Even the president uses it.


Sometimes when I get home all I wanna do is open a beer. But I'm so tired. I don't want to see a computer or a book. I don't want to even cook for myself. And really, I just want a nice massage. Maybe it sounds selfish but it is the best way to relax and not think about anything. I think I should marry a masseuse one day.

Things I wanna buy

We constantly buy things that we don't need. We know we don't need it but we buy it to make ourselves feel better.

Now that I'm graduating college and getting a job. I made a list of things I want to buy when I get paid.

TV, blackberry, bicycle, suit, dress shoes, and shirts.

It would be interesting if I look back after ten years.

Fake Ticket

Prelude to Ticket

Grabbing Gum

American Decameron 3

American Decameron 2

American Decameron 1

On the Train back home

We're on what we thought would be a normal train ride home from The Tank. Little did we know!

The young actors are headed back home.

Kinect Calibration at the Tank

Preparation for American Decameron at the Tank.

Don't Step on his Shoes Pt 2

Don't Step on his Shoes

This is what happens when you step on someones hard earned shoes....someone has to clean it.

Lonely Train Ride

2 in the morning...on my way home

Textures of time (water pt 2)

Texture of Time (water)

Texture of time can be tranquil

Breakfast at McDonald's

The young actors hit McDonald's for breakfast on the morning of American Decameron.

The New Bus Look

Last year Suffolk Buses made a change in their design

Cat Daddy!

Cat Daddy Time!

My sister and I fooling around

Quality Time

First the Dougie, now the Cat Daddy!!!


Another day at the Barbershop

Track 4 x 1

High school days

Teach Me How To Dougie!

Summer Grey

I suppose as Finals Week comes to an end, it is only appropriate to discuss some kind of plan for Summer activities.
For the moment, plans floating around are a possible cruise in Europe. To be honest, I don't particularly enjoy planes, or long distance travel of anything that isn't a car. I'm told it's a little odd, but I digress.
Otherwise, I'm hoping to find a job somewheres, hopefully somewhere that runs parallel to my interests, such as Best Buy or B&N or GameStop or some other obligatory place.
Anything else that happens is certainly fine by me to break up any mundanity.

Friendship is Magic

Recently, I developed an interest in a most peculiar show, where I don't even belong to the target audience (or target gender for that matter). My involvement in its viewing has also come from much scrutiny from friends, and I would take their opinion to heart, but at this point I strongly consider myself a true fan although I still question why on Earth I watch it; it really is addictive and mesmerizing. This show of course is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Yes, I know. Why in the world would you even consider watching it? A show about ponies and friendship and magic? To be honest, I don't even know. The show has actually become very very popular and now has a very very large fan-base across the world. What's strange is that the main demographic of viewers are 18+ males. What's even stranger is that I actually watch it.
My dream job is working for Pixar Animation Studios. I always love to observe any form of animation, as I feel it tells a wonderful story and is a beautiful art form. I suppose this is why I simply can do nothing but constantly watch it.

Don't judge, haters.

American Decameron

Figured I'd post about our little gig considering I haven't done so.

I thought it all turned out rather nicely. The theater was more or less what I imagined and the performance went smoothly. However, it was a little disappointing when we sort of "gave up" on using the Kinects. Throughout the year we talked about how they'd be implemented in the performance, with how they would project spaces and film and such, and I was reasonably excited to see them in action. I suppose that wasn't so bad that they weren't working, I suppose, I don't know the calibrations and coding and complexity behind them.
The stories were interesting, although that was what solely remained of our performance. I kind of imagined the actors would have had to pass through some form of rigorous rehearsal (although I never seen it) but they seemed to hold their own on the dark stage. All in all, it was an interesting experience, and I hope future gigs would be accompanied by more and more of the tech we discussed.

Summer PLans...

this summer im goin back into the mma...
Summer to do list -
- Websites up nd running
- Make 50k from websites up and running ( well on it's way )
- MMA - start up in Jersey again... haven't fought in a while.. rusty...
- Finish up the G6 and Galant,
- Get that Bike, and maybe a vr4 3000gt, or rx7 ( giving Dad G6 once done keep Galant as Company Car, 3000gt/rx7 as Daily Driver.. )
- MixTape

Bodgan Diss...

rap attack on one of my friends lil brother,,, He's a good guy, this is just a lyrical attack for fun.. =)

bog - e...
cant see straight , tis foggy
knock his ass out, im rocky
mr bog-e , thinkn he’s… fresh
jabbed him in the heart, bog-e dies from cardiac arrest.
his lyrics got no text
he’s no contest,
nd i can’t confess,
to these evil deeds, but burn ur house down no adress,
go get dressed
ur a mess
give it a rest.
your rhymes are innapropriate, incest
quite wastn ur time tryn to belittle..
kid can’t spit right unstable
kid doesn’t belong behind the turn table
go home , open up the 360, stick to fable
cuz u can’t live real life, stick with TV cable
uz worse than a jew, need no dradle
u pick up coins no matter the value.
can’t do physical labor, can you
just be u nd stay at home, pop in a valium
cuz u can’t live ur miserable life sober
cuz ur mentally short, can’t reach the cupboard
its all good though aint gonna judge
u aint gonna ruin my master piece no smudge
nd don’t try me, im crazy dont give a fudge, fuck
cant do shit, rip the streets with a truck
u’ll get stuck, on ur skateboard, stuck
can’t afford a vehichle got no money not a buck
u suck, Grab my gun, put in my pants, tucked
nicely away, till its time to put ur body where it lays,
its gonna stay , don’t matter if you pray
cuz ur gonna end up dead either way
and bog-e please don’t take this shit literally
ur ma bro, just fkn with u mentaly
got bored sittn on ma dumb ass at home,
and i g no friends, i got no need for a phone..
so please just understand i was jus blowing off the time
gotta say i enjoyed talking bout shit, nd yo shit rhimes..

3d Modelling

I saw this model, and was just jaw dropped. I have found the model file online but i don't know how to use it. It is fully rigged but am not sure how to animate any ideas?

Terminator Salvation

Terminator Salvation.
A review done by Sid Mundo Reviews



Freestyle Nu Age

every night imma throw it down ... jus for fun... jus so you all know.. i got it.. yo...

so why do i feel like i need to do things systematically...
i can't do things on a whim gotta calculate em out, mathematically...
I keep thinking tacticaly...
keep thinking dramatically...
my thought processes is a bother, i think to techincally, an analytically
But what happens if i start to view life hypothetically and live life all fully?
... will it be easier then? or would it jus end up in the same place ironically...

i kept on procrastinatin’ on my meditatin’
then i found out, damn shit aint even that complicated
took a deep breath in, and a deep breath out..
and paid attention to the air leavin ma mouth...
i concentrated on nothn but a lake...
felt like i was in anotha world, with nothn at stake.
every thought that came in i let it jusfloat away
let is pas by like a leaf on that lake.
i realized that the world we live is fake
and that there was a big misunderstandin in faith.
see, Life may have a set plan for all of us..
but it’s up to us, to decide who it is to trust...
the life we live is no one elses but our own
gotta live it up to the hype it is, or be left alone..

The Bodega

This is the bodega I've going to since I was young. The same guy works there for all these years and the same crackhead has been asking people for money there just as long. At the end of the video you can see my pops taunting him; He actually asked the crackhead to borrow some money because he had just received some money.

Pink Collar Jobs

Another day at my pink collar job

Wednesday 18 May 2011

it's not rude. is it?

is it rude to say someone looks like an animal? i mean as long as the animal is not like really ugly or fat or something it's okay right? today i told my friend his legs looked like a sandpiper. he laughed it off for a bit then got all mad.... i don't understand that.... he laughed cuz he knew it was true then got really offended. it;s not like i called his 5' 6'' 100lbs an elephant. i called him a small bird cuz his legs are skinny and he knows it. *sign* people are so sensitive over stupid stuff. :p'

Cool Futuristic/Concept Gadgets

Lady gaga dance moves

today my friend and i decided to learn the dance to lady gaga's 'telephone' ft beyonce. the video is very popular because IT'S FREAKIN LADY GAGA. so we tried for about an hour to learn the dance. it looks alot easier than it is which is what people really say lol any way we eventually figured most of it out!! i was so excited! i got quite a workout and it felt great! usually when i am home i dance all the time with my boyfriend and by myself to the radio. since i dorm at stony i don't really have the space nor the confidence to learn a routine and preform it in my suite. it feels good to dance freely with no annoying ass roommates yelling at me to turn it down!! soon i will be home for the summer and can dance my ass off with the people i love <3

Obama's birth certificate conspiracy

Obama has a sense of humor. He made Trump look bad! maybe that why he was considering running for president. I don't understand why Trump would even care that much about Obama's birth certificate? I'm sure the government does a deep background check.

Blogging - the new self-therapy?

Blogging seems to be the new trend today. I think its actually therapeutic for most people because they are expressing their thoughts and feelings. However, I think blogging should be done in real life by talking to real people. Its much easier for people to talk over the internet and you don't learn everything that you normally would by having a conversation in real life. Even if you were to filibuster you would still observe and sense different vibes that people give off.

Blogging can be good or bad, depending on what the person is talking about and how the person talks about it. If you just talk about your everyday daily activities it will not have a productive impact on you or the readers. Although if you blog about topics that can relate to the readers and show that you really care about those topics, it will induce a positive impact on both the writer and the readers. The best thing about blogging is that it directly connects the readers with the writer. Many people today get their news via blogs because they don't trust mainstream media anymore. Blogs seem to be more real and upfront which is what the information seekers are looking for.

Donald Trump For President 2012?

He has to be seriously joking to even consider running for president. He is well connected with people all around but that doesn't mean you can think about running for president. Who would take Trump seriously if he was president. Just look at his hair!

The Role of Politics

Politics has played a very important role in the world throughout history. Most of the wars that took place in the 21st Century is because of conflicts been nations and nation-states. Although politics does help resolve most of the issues, it can end up being negative also. A key question confronting world politics in the 21st Century is how the world should be governed: through the traditional nation-state or through international organizations (IGOs). Nation-states have a rough time deciding whether to go with the anarchical world structure or the hierarchical world structure. Anarchical world structure is made up of 193 equal countries with no superior collective power. It supports the realist approach. The hierarchical world structure is also made up of 193 equal countries but it supports the idea of superior collective power (IGOs) and represents the idealist approach. Diplomacy also plays an important role in world politics today. Nation-states employ diplomacy to advance their national interests and because of this IGOs today are attempting to restrain the power based pursuit of self-interest by nation-states.

Nation-states had a very rough time absorbing the idea of superior collective authority IGOs at the beginning of the 21st Century, but as time has passed and the world has seen very hurtful events which had led many nation-states to give up a degree of their sovereignty in order to protect themselves, and the world itself. Nation-states don’t really abide by international law today, but under such situations such as Apartheid, the whole world will help out the superior collective power to make the world a better place to live in.

this website is the best. you can ask any question you want and you will be sure to get an answer within a day. it doesn't matter what the topic is , there is always someone that will answer it for you. you can even answer question you see one the website too.
i had trouble with one of my homework problems and so i decide to give this a shot and i put in the problem. the next day i got an email from the site saying my question was answer by someone. i was not accepting an answer that fast. sometimes people are rude and put random answers or just comment on your question rather than answering it but that isn't always the case. so if you ever need help or need a opinion on something and there is no one around just type it in

Writing Skills

Writing is an important skill that is essential for any person to succeed in life. Most people can read correctly, but only a few can write properly. People make writing the hardest thing in the world, when it really is not. A person does not need to use big words to write well. The key to acquiring good writing kills is to use simple language effectively so that everyone can understand easily. The writer should have good communication with the reader. This can be done through many different ways, for example: using deep details, relating experiences with the context, etc. This creates an interest in the reader’s mind. Therefore, it is very important to understand the importance of writing skills.

Recently, a big debate sparked some attention across the country, that whether teachers in high schools today are teaching enough writing skills to students to prosper in life, or even survive in college. My experience in high school was fairly odd. I didn't learn good writing skills until the 12th grade. During ninth, tenth, and eleventh grades, my English teachers barely taught any writing skills. All we did was read books and write a few essays about them. The essay would be graded, and if there were any mistakes on the essay, they would be never pointed out by the teacher. As long as the essay met the requirements (correct topic, length, etc) the teachers would be happy with it. However, the grades were in fact reflected upon how well the essay was written.

Google makes it really easy to look up word definitions. You just type "define: word" and it will display all the different definitions. Its much better than looking up a word in 500 page heavy dictionary that probably just collects dust wherever it is.


The short story "Spunk" (1927) written by Zora Neale Hurston is a brilliant work of literature that embarks topics that can be related to today's society. The story takes place in an all-black Southern town in the late 1800's, possibly in Eatonville, Florida, and starts off with a bunch of men talking about each other, sharing stories of other people, and so on. These men notice a couple walking away. They start gossiping about Spunk Banks, who is quoted in the story as a "giant of a brown-skinned man." He is known as the strongest and most bravely man in the town. Spunk is a saw-mill worker who is good at getting women and carries a gun with him all the time. The girl who is walking with him is Lena Kanty, who is Joe Kanty's wife. These men begin to tease Joe by talking about his wife and Spunk. This event ignites fire in Joe and so he declares in front of the men that he is going to confront Spunk and get his wife back. No one believes him, mainly because of the size difference between Joe and Spunk. And the fact that Joe had never been in a fight before.

Joe proves everyone wrong. He grabs his razor and attempts to kill Spunk in front of Lena, but he fails. Instead, the worst happens when Spunk takes out his gun and shoots him dead. Spunk proudly tells everyone about the shooting, and no one has the courage to ask him about this particular incident. He explains the situation to everyone by saying "Joe come out there wid a meat axe an' made me kill him." He claims Joe was a coward because he tried to sneak-attack him from behind.

Soon after Joe's death, word gets around that Spunk and Lena are about to marry. One night, as Spunk and Lena are getting ready for bed, a black bobcat circles the house. Spunk goes out with his gun to kill the cat, but the cat looks right into his eyes and frightens him so much that he is unable to shoot. Spunk, who is supposed to be the bravest man of the town, is convinced that the black bobcat is Joe. He believes that because no one has ever seen a black bobcat in this town before. He thinks Joe has come back to take revenge so that Lena doesn't marry him.

Finally, the unthinkable happens. Spunk falls from a log into the saw and fatally injures himself that leads to his death. Before dieing, he accuses Joe of having pushed him into the blade from the back, like a coward. At Spunk's funeral, the whole town comes to see him. The narrator describes Lena's emotions by saying "Lena wept in a frightened manner." The 'frightened manner' in this statement indicates that Lena's cry was totally fake, which proves that she didn't love Spunk either. She is the one who is responsible for both men's' death. She pretended to be in love with both men for one reason only – to get their property and acquire all their wealth.

"Spunk" is a story that opens the readers' eyes and shows them how love can lead to betrayal. Love requires both persons to have positive feelings amongst each other. If there's any negative feeling, the two person's will eventually have a conflict with each other.

Hardvard's Admission Policies

Harvard's admission policies have changed from decade to decade. In 1905, Harvard adopted the college entrance examination board tests. This policy basically allowed any student with good grades to attend Harvard. This seems to be a fair policy, but the policies Harvard implemented later on may seem questionable. For example, now Harvard has a policy that requires every student who applies for admission to send their picture along with everything else. Why would they require such a thing? My guess is because they care about the student's physical appearance.

Many ivy-league colleges are famous for being more supportive to legacy students. Legacy students are the students whose parents already attended that specific college. So if John's father went to Harvard and graduated, then John would not have a hard time getting into Harvard even though he might have lacked some requirements. This might seem unfair to other students but these are Harvard's policies. They only admit the students who they 'think' will be successful in future. John's father went to Harvard and graduated, therefore they make an assumption that John will graduate as well just like his father and be successful.

It is fair to criticize Harvard's admission policies because I don't believe they are justified. If a student has the academic level that Harvard requires and is willing to pay huge sums of money to get an education, then he or she should get an equal opportunity to do just that. Harvard is like any other business company, but it does not treat all its 'customers' equally. Harvard should be concerned about a person's talents, not his/her physical appearance. A person can always learn and discover a talent that he or she has, but physical appearance is something that a person is born with due to nature and genetics.

oh my student debt

As millions of American families struggle to cope with college costs that are rising at twice the rate of inflation. This leads to on thing and one thing only..Student debt. Students don't have the time for a job due to their studying and forcing on school that by the time they do graduate, they are left with tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt. We go to school for an education thinking it will get us a job in the future and all will be well. But that is not the case for many graduate students. people say that one should only borrow the money if your future career can help you pay it back overtime.

"I can see someone borrowing perhaps $10,000 a year if they're majoring in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, computer science or nursing," says Kantrowitz, the publisher of the FinAid and Fastweb websites.

"But I can't see borrowing that amount of money for a degree in art, or humanities, or sociology, because the jobs just don't pay as well for those fields of study," he said

There has bee a new repayment plan coming out soon for student with debts called income-based repayment in short IBR. this plan can reduce those payments and make them more manageable. I hope this plan does work so more student get really get on with their lives after graduating.

Women In Today's Society

Women and men have always had conflicting differences since the beginning of time. Natural given characteristics to both sexes whether they be physical or mental have always been quite different amongst the two sexes. In modern time women and men are gaining the same amount of power, while in the past men were the only holders of power. Women still face different obstacles that men do not, though things are looking up for the female’s future.

In the absence of gender socialization, some believe that gender differences would not even exist. If a young girl was treated exactly the same as her young brother from infancy to young adulthood there’s a chance that the drastic gender differences would be non-existent. However, whether or not young girls played with dolls as a young age or boys played war, girls will still have a maternal instinct and the boys will have a more aggressive mentality. Men are built physically stronger than women and therefore tend to be drawn toward more physical activities and more labor oriented jobs, while women usually find other interests. Besides the physical differences between women and men there are plenty of mental differences among the two sexes. Women are generally more emotionally driven while men are usually goal oriented, so even in the absence of gender socialization, women and men even if treated equally from the start are still going to have vast differences.

Throughout the last 100-300 years the changes that women have seen and been affected by have been phenomenal. Women have gained a lot of ground in politics, the work force, and even more power within their own households. There was a time in history when women were unable to voice their opinion in politics being unable to cast a vote or run for office, and now in modern time there are more than one woman running in the presidential campaign. The work force is filled with powerful women who lead as executives for large companies like Indra Nooyi CEO of Pepsi, or Speaker of the House Nancy Peolosi, these women are in powerful positions that were never filled by women long time ago. Besides the bigger more noticeable changes that have widely affected the world, there has been a subtle change of the role women play in the household. Overtime women have gone from being the “housewife”, or the primary homemakers and caretakers of the children while men earn the money. Now women and men can both be the bread winners, the stereotypical role place on women is slowly dissolving and both spouse/parents are sharing the responsibilities that come with the house and family.

A troublesome situation that still remains for women in modern time is the negative sexual attention that women often receive. There seems to be a double standard when a woman is called a “slut” for sleeping around when a man is called a “pimp”. The number of times a woman deals with negative sexual attention daily is incomparable to what a man receives. One in six women and one in thirty-three men will be a victim of sexual assault throughout their lifetime. The vast difference in this statistical information is not shocking at all to most, on the contrary it is quire predictable. It is a known fact that women’s sexual appeal brings upon negative, unwanted attention. Sayings lie “he just wants a piece of ass” or “He wants to get in her pants”, are always comments from a man and never a female. In our modern society women have been reduced to mere breasts, lips, legs, and a vagina. While they are gaining ground in education, politics, and work force, women are still victimized as “piece of meat”.

Women have come a long way over time and have carved a new path for the women to come. While the word “feminist” generally brings upon negative attention, it is the feminist of the world, those who are for women’s rights, whom are creating a opportunity filled future for all females to come. Men and women will continue to endure different treatment regardless of what day and age, or even socialization they’ve been brought up in. Before the equality of men and women was non-existent, and now it is a work in progress, the future for women is looking up.

The North-South Gap

The North-South gap is causing an enormous amount of instability in the world today. The North represents all the northern economically developed countries (EDC's). Most of these EDC's have similar political characteristics. They are democratic and stable, and they have a competent government structure and a good fit between nation and nation-state. The South, which represents the lesser developed countries (LDC's), are quite the opposite. Majority of the LDC's are run by authoritarian rulers. The instability of these countries is very high, they have a poor government structure, and they have the worst fit between nation and nation-states. The North also shares common economic characteristics. These include: diversity of economy, free marker or quasi-free market capitalism, agriculture and manufacturer industry, and per-capita income of $25,000/year. Not surprisingly, the South is the total opposite. However they do have a raw material/agriculture industry, the LDC's have no diversity in economy, a low level of free market, and per-capita income of $1260/year. The most astonishing fact about the North-South gap is that the North accounts for only fifteen percent of the world population and yet seventy-nine percent of the world's wealth, whereas in the South, about 1.1 billion people live on one dollar per day. I guess its true when they say "Life ain't fair."