Friday 20 May 2011

America land of the ........Narcissist?!

I feel that America is being affected by Narcissism because of the ongoing trends going on within our society. Children and teenagers have higher self-esteems and are showing different traits than in years before also. I looked up research done on college campuses and found that students, having so much self-admiration have taken a change for the worst. In 2006 students answered a series of questions that were given to students in 19-79-86. Over the two decades 30% of these students have answered the questions in a narcissistic direction. The rise of the narcissism epidemic has also effect other epidemics also. People no longer want to work to achieve goals but just have everything given to them. Everyone just wants to go straight to the top of being rich and famous. An example of this is Paris Hilton because she encourages a rich and famous lifestyle. She has never worked a specific job a day in her life and she just lives off her father’s money. Linsey Lohan is also an example of this and is known for using drugs in the public. They affect millions of teenagers across the country.

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