Wednesday 18 May 2011

Blogging - the new self-therapy?

Blogging seems to be the new trend today. I think its actually therapeutic for most people because they are expressing their thoughts and feelings. However, I think blogging should be done in real life by talking to real people. Its much easier for people to talk over the internet and you don't learn everything that you normally would by having a conversation in real life. Even if you were to filibuster you would still observe and sense different vibes that people give off.

Blogging can be good or bad, depending on what the person is talking about and how the person talks about it. If you just talk about your everyday daily activities it will not have a productive impact on you or the readers. Although if you blog about topics that can relate to the readers and show that you really care about those topics, it will induce a positive impact on both the writer and the readers. The best thing about blogging is that it directly connects the readers with the writer. Many people today get their news via blogs because they don't trust mainstream media anymore. Blogs seem to be more real and upfront which is what the information seekers are looking for.

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