Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Spring Creeps In

Spring is often depicted as a rebirth, a renewal. Plants, shaking hands with the sunshine. Trees, growing leaves to cover their naked branches. Birds, making plans to construct new nests after their long vacation in the south. Everything about this season is stuffed with "happy".

Of course, I'm not complaining. Spring marks the nearing of the last day of the school year and best of all, the nearing of summer vacation. Sunshine makes me happy, especially after long periods of gloomy weather.

Winter seems to drag on way too long; cold weather beginning from November and lasting almost 'til the middle of April. I'm tired of the same gray skies that I'm forced to wake up to. We are creatures of habit, yet we so easily become tired of repetitiveness. We demand something new, we demand change.

The weather has been rather bipolar lately and a little too unpredictable for my tastes exactly, but maybe things will smooth out soon.

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