Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Caffeine, Dangerous?

I'm sure that many students turn to caffeine during finals week, but did you know that it could be dangerous? Most of us don't give it a second thought.

Caffeine is probably more dangerous than one would think or expect it to be. Caffeine acts as a stimulant and helps increase concentration and awareness. It acts kind of like Ritalin or Adderall except without the need for a written prescription. In fact, caffeine is found everywhere; such as in your chocolate, coffee, tea, soda, etc. Caffeine is in fact America's most commonly used drug. That's right, drug.

Caffeine is an upper. It travels quickly into the bloodstream and can take effect within 15 minutes after consumption. People tend to be more alert and focused on their surroundings. Mental concentration is also increased. It's no wonder so many people turn to caffeine while working.

I confess that I consume a moderate amount of caffeine, but luckily not to the point where I'm dependent on it. They say it takes an average of 4 cups of coffee each day to make a person physically dependent on caffeine. Experts recommend to cut back to 100mg (or less) of caffeine a day.

Truth is, I can't resist caffeine...specially when I'm extremely tired, running on almost no sleep, and have classes to stay awake in and tests to take! With caffeine, things begin to become clearer and just make more sense. I feel like I'm on top of the world and that I can accomplish so much.

But remember, everything in moderation.

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