Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Lost in Manhattan

*going from Stony Brook to Penn station

OMG, what's wrong with me. It's the second time lost in city. My orientation supposed to be very good that a map is not necessary, but recently, I always head to the opposite side to the destination. It's not a surprise that I was lost going to the Tank, but this time I can't find the place where I've been there more than 5 times!!!

Today I went to TECO, again, to get my certificate of study back. I left my suite around 11:25am to catch the train leaving at 11:46am. I brought my laptop just in case I got bored on the train. But since I only had 4 hours of sleep last night, I fell asleep. When I arrived Penn Station, I was somewhat excited, thinking "I am here again". Right after I got out, for some reasons, I feel like I had never been to this place. It feels so ...weird.

I was lost, didn't know which way I should go. It is the first time my orientation is gone. I was so frustrated. After walking for an hour, I finally got to TECO, where is only 5 minutes to Penn Station. After I received the certificate, I left TECO, and same thing happen again... This time was better, only 30 minutes... omg......

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