Monday, 9 May 2011

Child Abuse

What I don’t understand is why there are so many people who abuse their own children? What was the purpose of willing to have a child or children and cause them pain when they should be loved?! I know people have issues but nowadays there is help and people who have this problem should resolve them. It’s probably a mental issue and maybe having children is too much stress on them but why not give the child to someone who is going to care for it because a innocent precious gift from God should not have to endure such pain. A few months back I was happen to be on youtube and I came across this video of a 6 month baby girl had died because her parents were abusing her. It was a disturbing video because how can you have so much hate toward this child. What did she do to you that you could not love her unconditionally? The baby girl had suffered from several internal injuries and broken bones from when her mother threw her up and down hitting her body up against the ceiling and she probably dropped her on the floor a couple of times and the WORST of all she was RAPED by her OWN FATHER and UNCLE!!!!!! What kind of SHIT is that??? It makes me sooooooooo angry and I will love to just take all these children who are being abuse and provide a perfect home for them. Like really how can you do something like that? And what do you want with a 6 MONTH OLD baby? How did you even get your penis in her vagina? I don’t even want to know because that just some sick shit. (Excuse the language). The sad part is that her grandmother knew about it and didn’t say a DAMN word!! How can you watch your granddaughter suffer like that and why didn’t you tell the authorities? Well you know what I’m not writing this to judge people but I needed to get that off my chest because this happens every day and it’s just sad and it should be this way. Another innocent life lost while those who caused harm continue to breathe another day.

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