This year around i was disappointed with the tank. First off about 20 seats were covered with clothe or something so not everyone got a seat. I had a seat in the beginning but the air conditioner was leaking water every where so i got up and told the employee. After that i gave my seats to someones parents. Unfortunately I also got stuck listening to someones boyfriend while he was freaking out about getting bitten by a tick. to say the least he was over reacting and Im sure he didnt get lime disease. I got a glimpse of the mark where he was bit which didnt make sense because a tick shouldnt leave that much of a mark if any mark at all. Also deer ticks are extremely small. The only thing his rant did was take me away from the whole performance before it began because it soured my mood. There were also cockroaches in the bathroom which is frankly disgusting. I think next semester finding a cleaner venue would be nice because this one seems to have gone down hill. One other really strange not is that one of the chairs was covered in dried blood... i dont know what that was about but i have no questions that it was blood. There was even dried blood around the sides of the chair which just shows that no one attempted to clean it.
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