Wednesday, 18 May 2011


It's been over 6 years ever since my piano teacher, Ami Hakuno, left the Amadeus Music School and stopped teaching piano. Ever since then, I have barely touched my piano, let alone, wanted to. Ami was an excellent teacher for those five years I had her but her schedule was always very busy. During our piano lessons, she would often get interrupted for urgent phone calls. She's performed all over the world in places such as Japan and even has several recitals at Carnegie Hall, here in New York. I would often have to skip lessons because of her numerous performances. One week, she dissapeared without warning. She just got up and left the small little music school I had been going to for six years. I never even got to take my level 5 NYSSMA exam. Despite the other two teachers I've had after her, they could not compare. They often grew impatient with me, unlike Ami who was always kind and willing to help. They joy of piano was out of my life and for the first time, I cried over a teacher.

My piano was sort of like my sanctuary. I felt like it was the only thing I had to show for myself. I've always had a love and passion for music, and piano was a way for me to connect with it. Recently I started learning some songs on my own, but it's not the same. I haven't progressed at all and with that said, life can't help but feel a little empty. I used to dread going to piano lessons but now I realized I've taken it all for granted. I love the piano with my mind, body, and soul. It was part of me and who I am but now I feel like it's been stripped away. I like the way the sounds roll off my fingers and when I close my eyes, it feels like my hands are singing a melody. I feel just lost in a beautiful oblivion and it's like a secret nobody else knows but me...
I miss it sometimes and I guess over the past year, I tried to push it out of my mind. Many of you probably don't know how exactly I feel, but it's just a memory I thought I'd recollect on. Just something I'd reminisce..

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