We had a preview of the show. I really liked the idea of the show. The projections in the back were not overwhelming which is good! I thought it might take away fromt he stories. Im not sure how i feel about there being no music though. In class when we had the music and the kinect it was really cool but then you couldnt hear the actors. the thing with the video is that you are now paying attention to the actors and didnt pay attention to the projections. Also the kinect didnt work. That was a big disappointment because it should have worked. I felt like the kinect was such a big part of the performance. To be completly honest though i felt the show was boring. The actors didnt project and a lot of the show was in another language. The different languages were cool and added something to the show but it took away because you didnt know what was going on. Especially when it came to the dolls. She told the story about the tsunami but the doll didnt do anything. I couldnt tell that she was looking for sometihng she was jsut kind of walking it around. Even after it was explained it was still kind of blah. I think if more people had helped act out the scene it would be much more interesting. It would have given you an idea of what the story was about and had you wondering what she was saying.
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