Tuesday, 17 May 2011


illucia: a modular codebending instrument from paper kettle on Vimeo.

Found this piece of innovation that proved to be quite interesting to me, yet brought me to a bit of confusion as to what the device can actually do and the capacity it can be used to its fullest. From what I am told in the video, illucia is a codebending console that can control different software programs and how they exchange data. I guess this can be understood when they were able to diffuse art of different colors and designs during a simple game of pong. But what brings me to such curiosity is to how plugging and manipulating this device can allow such things to happen. I guess it's something that I'd have to manually test and take advantage of. Nonetheless, you can find more about this device on http://www.paperkettle.com/home/illucia/

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