Tuesday 17 May 2011

Forgot a final...oh snap!

In the past five years that i have been in college, i have never has this happen to me, but i guess it was bound to happen... YUP !! I forgot a freaking exam ! i woke up this morning, in a rather good mood, ate breakfast, walked around my house leisurely, and then at around 12 i sat down to study. It was a that moment that i notice right at the bottom of a document that one of my exams was in 2 HOURS !! I thought that this exam was on a thursday. Don't know how this happened. My jaw dropped, i live an hour away from school !! At that moment i though i was finished. But rather then panic ( okay i panicked) i changed out of my pajamas and ran out the room. I made it...wasn't all that happy with the results, but whatever i get i it's better then a zero. Praying for a miracle.

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